Skiing for €24 for 3 days? This is not a Carnival joke!
This Carnival turns your snow dreams into reality! Rent your touring skis for only €24 for 3 days. Yes, snow has never been so accessible!
Find out moreHOW DOES IT WORK?
Choose your product
Select the product according to your needs and let the adventure begin.
Rent & collect in-store
Select the duration, the type of rental and the place where you want to collect the equipment
Practice your sport
Discover a new sport with our rental equipment and have fun!
Return your rented products
Bring the products back to the store and come back to visit us soon!
Enjoy your sport, we handle the rest!
Discover a wide range of rental sports products, from skis to bikes and more. Whatever your passion, we have the right equipment!
Pick-Up Network
Wherever your adventure takes you, we’re nearby! Take advantage of the over 140 Decathlon stores to conveniently collect your equipment
More rental formulas
Rent your product for a few days or on subscription. We have thought of everything!

Our rental locations
MestreUdineTorinoMilanoBresciaVillafranca di VeronaBolzanoPadovaBergamoVicenzaModenaBolognaTriesteRomaVaresePordenoneGenovaVeronaGoriziaFaenzaTrevisoReggio nell'EmiliaNovaraSondrioThieneParmaBellunoCremonaLonato del GardaFirenzePratoLeccoAnconaLodiVenariaTerniCuneoLivornoPisaVeneziaRiminiMantovaPerugiaSan Benedetto del TrontoVado LigureSnowboarding
MilanoTorinoPordenoneBresciaVillafranca di VeronaBassano del GrappaMestreTrevisoModenaVeronaBolognaUdinePadovaVicenzaSan Giovanni TeatinoBergamoRomaFaenzaVareseBolzanoReggio nell'EmiliaVenariaTriesteGenovaBellunoRiminiL'aquilaNovaraCuneoLodiThieneLeccoGoriziaSondrioAnconaPratoFirenzeTerniPescaraVado LigureSnowshoes
UdineBresciaSan Giovanni TeatinoTorinoBassano del GrappaSondrioPadovaBolognaMestrePordenoneMilanoVareseVillafranca di VeronaThieneBergamoReggio nell'EmiliaModenaFaenzaNovaraVenariaVeneziaFirenzeRomaTriestePratoGenovaBellunoRiminiPerugiaSalernoCuneoGoriziaPisaFerraraAnconaLivornoMantovaTerniCataniaCremonaLonato del GardaBariBolzanoCatanzaroNapoliBikes
AnconaAronaBariBergamoBolognaBolzanoCagliariCataniaCatanzaroCuneoFolignoFirenzeGenovaIseoIvreaL'aquilaLecceMilanoGrugliascoModenaOlbiaParmaPerugiaPescaraPisaReggio nell'EmiliaRiminiRomaSan Benedetto del TrontoSondrioTaorminaTorinoTrentoTrevisoUdineVeronaVillafranca di VeronaLeccoMestreBassano del GrappaMantovaLivornoVareseVenariaNapoli